Do - What we look for
✔ Be focused on Cybersecurity and VPN niches.
✔ Write unique and well-organized content.
✔ Give referral links to any third-party data or statistics.
✔ Keep your content between 1000-1500 words.
✔ Provide relevant cover/banner image with your content.
✔ Provide headline and meta-description for your content.
Don't - Reason of rejected
✗ Don't provide any plagiarized content.
✗ Don't submit any AI generated content.
✗ Don't use AI generated or copyright reserved images.
✗ Don't submit articles with grammatical or structural error.
✗ Don't provide promotional content.
✗ Don't provide any content other than blog or case study.
Ready To Write
Great! Just submit your topic idea with an outline via the form below. Follow our formatting guide, and proofread your post before sending it to us.